30 Ekim 2006 Pazartesi

The Devil Dared Me To, should kick ass

Used to watch this Kiwi program called "Back Of The Y" It was a program full of trash talk, amateur hard out stunts, fire works, beers and swears. It was bloody great, awhile ago a caught the end of a TV special they made called Bogans' Heroes. I was pissed of that I had missed it. But I checked out their site and they've put it up on Youtube. So here's the first part.

You can watch the other two parts here Loosetothemax. They also have another short movie at their site called Vaseline Warriors IV.

They have also made a Feature length movie that's called "The Devil Dared Me To: The Randy Cambell story" I don't know if it's finished or when it will be released but it looks good I'm looking forward to a fun Kiwi film.

19 Ekim 2006 Perşembe

Great list of not posting apologies.

Was just checking my referrals and I saw a link from a site I hadn't seen before, I found it pretty interesting and funny, It's a list of Sorry I haven't posted in awhile quotes from various blogs, I've been quoted from this post Haven't posted in awhile maybe I need an electric shock as saying "work has turned out to be a curse and blessing, more money but I work with a bunch of alcoholics"

Well laters

16 Ekim 2006 Pazartesi

Converted to blogger beta

I've been holding off from changing to blogger because I knew I was gonna have to learn a new coding language and I also knoew i was going to have to build eveything again. I like blogger beta I have been using it on a test blog, the only thing I'm disapointing is that the code I was using for the expandable posts no longer works, I have found another way to do this but I don't think I can customize the titles easily so I'm going to have to stick the videos in the Read More... expandable part of the post

This is were the videos will be when I get around to posting more frequently.

11 Ekim 2006 Çarşamba

Haven't posted in awhile maybe I need an eletric shock

been awhile between posts eh, work has rurned out to be a curse and blessing, more money but I work with a bunch of alcoholics. I finish work at about 9ish in the evening and then go clubing soon after and then I sleep all day. Blogging has taken a back seat at the moment because of this.

Anyway here's a video I made, it's pretty lame but it's the first I have made, it's of my mate touching and electric fence on th farm.

Ok, now I don't now when I will post next, I'm drinking so much I think I'm goin to need AA soon so I thik I'll be able to post then.

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