23 Ağustos 2006 Çarşamba
Mentos and diet coke gone bad
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22 Ağustos 2006 Salı
Look how realistic the PlayStation 3s graphics are
Back with some more evidence on how the Playstation 3 will be awsome. Just take a look at how realistic the graphics are.
Doom on the playstation 3 (Embed)
Ooo snap!!!
I guess the reason why I don't get the hype of the Wii is because I was a Sega baby.
Technorati Tags:
PlayStation 3, Wii, Realistic, Graphics
Doom on the playstation 3 (Embed)
Ooo snap!!!
I guess the reason why I don't get the hype of the Wii is because I was a Sega baby.
Technorati Tags:
PlayStation 3, Wii, Realistic, Graphics
21 Ağustos 2006 Pazartesi
Why are people loving on the Wii
I've said this about Nintendo's Wii before and I'll say it again, after a long days drinking all I want to do is sit back, relax and play some games. I don't want to be sitting on the edge of my seat waving a goofy looking wand around, that's what the eye toy is for, a good 20 or so minutes of jumping up and down and acting like a fool before I sit back and get into some serious gaming.
I've read comments about how people are looking forward to picking up a Wii controller, popping in the new Star Wars game and going mental Light Sabre on some wookies but I'm guessing that like the eye toy most people would get tired and want to sit back with a good old controller.
The Wii seems to want to break the mould and create a new innovative console and it seems judging by the buzz on social sites such as digg that people are hoping that it will succeed, I feel that it wont but thats just my opinion.
As for the negative buzz about the PlayStation 3 all I have to say is it seems they are staying with what works, only everything about it is hugely more powerful. I read somewhere about how a PlayStation 3 Grand Theft Auto might benefit from 50GB of space on a single Blu-ray disc, about 15GB for game data, models, animation and everything else which leaves 35GB for loads more little extras. What I read went on about how they could use that extra space for the audio portion of the game, that's like 3000 songs, hours upon hours of talk back and more radio stations than you can shake a wookie at.
As you can see I'm a PlayStation fan and with the huge space of the Blu-ray discs I see a lot more room for innovation over the Wii's 8.5GBs of disc space, the eye-toy gimickiness of the Wii is putting me off a little also.
I don't know how to end this rant so I'm going to leave y'all with a video of a fat guy in a tub talking about PlayStation 3.
WARNING he has back pimples (Embed)
Nintendo Wii PlayStation 3 Sony PS3
I've read comments about how people are looking forward to picking up a Wii controller, popping in the new Star Wars game and going mental Light Sabre on some wookies but I'm guessing that like the eye toy most people would get tired and want to sit back with a good old controller.
The Wii seems to want to break the mould and create a new innovative console and it seems judging by the buzz on social sites such as digg that people are hoping that it will succeed, I feel that it wont but thats just my opinion.
As for the negative buzz about the PlayStation 3 all I have to say is it seems they are staying with what works, only everything about it is hugely more powerful. I read somewhere about how a PlayStation 3 Grand Theft Auto might benefit from 50GB of space on a single Blu-ray disc, about 15GB for game data, models, animation and everything else which leaves 35GB for loads more little extras. What I read went on about how they could use that extra space for the audio portion of the game, that's like 3000 songs, hours upon hours of talk back and more radio stations than you can shake a wookie at.
As you can see I'm a PlayStation fan and with the huge space of the Blu-ray discs I see a lot more room for innovation over the Wii's 8.5GBs of disc space, the eye-toy gimickiness of the Wii is putting me off a little also.
I don't know how to end this rant so I'm going to leave y'all with a video of a fat guy in a tub talking about PlayStation 3.
WARNING he has back pimples (Embed)
Nintendo Wii PlayStation 3 Sony PS3
18 Ağustos 2006 Cuma
Food poisoning sucks
Well I haven't posted in almost 2 weeks, I've been down from food poisoning, a bunch of us came down with it after a delightful meal at McDonald's it was the only common factor with all that got it.
To get over it I stayed in bed the first day without eating anything the second day I didn't eat a thing but I went clubbing and drank a huge amount of booze, if it can kill a liver it should be able to kill food poisoning right? the third day I had a little to eat but had a mean hang over, i thought screw this the best cure for a hang over is to drink more so I went out again and drank even more.
This happened over the last week and the week before that I just couldn't get motivated into posting anything, I'm gonna need to upgrade my Internet connection, sick of waiting for streams that cut out half way through the video.
To get over it I stayed in bed the first day without eating anything the second day I didn't eat a thing but I went clubbing and drank a huge amount of booze, if it can kill a liver it should be able to kill food poisoning right? the third day I had a little to eat but had a mean hang over, i thought screw this the best cure for a hang over is to drink more so I went out again and drank even more.
This happened over the last week and the week before that I just couldn't get motivated into posting anything, I'm gonna need to upgrade my Internet connection, sick of waiting for streams that cut out half way through the video.
8 Ağustos 2006 Salı
How to make a playing card float
Learnt some pretty good magic tricks over the years at various parties, the only problem is that I promptly forget them the next day. I think the trick to remembering them may be to learn them while I'm sober.
I'm on dialup speed at the moment so streaming videos is an ass hole, I found a couple that interested me, one was for bending spoons and one was for becoming invisible, they were each about 5 minutes long and on dialup took about an hour to load. I streamed the first few seconds just to see if they were for real, seemed professional enough and went out for a bit, came back and started watching them, they were duds farking ended up with some crappy camera effects, pissed me right off.
So I had a brief look around and found this one on how to float a playing card. It's a simple enough trick but now I have to find some where to get invisible string.
How to make a card float (Embed)
Technorati Tags:
Beer, Drunk, Party, Magic, Trick, Card, Float
I'm on dialup speed at the moment so streaming videos is an ass hole, I found a couple that interested me, one was for bending spoons and one was for becoming invisible, they were each about 5 minutes long and on dialup took about an hour to load. I streamed the first few seconds just to see if they were for real, seemed professional enough and went out for a bit, came back and started watching them, they were duds farking ended up with some crappy camera effects, pissed me right off.
So I had a brief look around and found this one on how to float a playing card. It's a simple enough trick but now I have to find some where to get invisible string.
How to make a card float (Embed)
Technorati Tags:
Beer, Drunk, Party, Magic, Trick, Card, Float
5 Ağustos 2006 Cumartesi
Another trip to the metal hospital
Got pissed as again last night, same old though, went for drive through town coz we all poor bastards, did the rounds and met up with a few others we decided to go up to the old mental hospital again this time I had my camera, we didn't get inside however half the dudes chickened out and as the rest of us were at the entrance to the building my mate fell over and cut himself.
Here's a couple photos from the hospital:

I don't think we'll be going back up there anytime soon, I also think the buildings are set for demolition.
Technorati Tags:
Beer, Drunk, Mental, Hospital, Photos, Camera
Here's a couple photos from the hospital:

I don't think we'll be going back up there anytime soon, I also think the buildings are set for demolition.
Technorati Tags:
Beer, Drunk, Mental, Hospital, Photos, Camera
4 Ağustos 2006 Cuma
Fast cars, Minigolf and Haunted Houses
Went out last night, it was supposed to be a quiet drink but it ended up being a full on booze up.
We started out at the drags in the Hutt Valley, this is where all the boy racers meet up on a Thursday night, not much happening there but we did see a couple of dudes chasing after a cop car one of the guys ended up kicking the cop car, I thought the police would hop out and lay down the law but they just drove off.
We headed into to town after that, hit a few clubs had some more drinks but it was pretty dead. We left town at about 3ish making our way home but ended up driving past the minigolf place so we hopped out of the car and played a little after hours putt putt, made a hole in one on the first hole and fell over a few times, great fun.
Time to head up to the old mental hospital, we spent about an hour searching the old abandoned buildings up there, freaking ourselves out. The sober driver stayed in the car and had a sleep, I probably wouldn't have gone in if I weren't drunk. The buildings had loads of old furniture and looked like lots of people had parties up there, it's a squatters paradise to.
I ended up getting dropped off at about 6am, so much for the quiet drink. Good night though fast cars, clubs, minigolf, haunted houses, loads of beer and a wicked hang over.
Seems like those racers followed me home, all I've been hearing tonight is burnouts and sirens.
Technorati Tags:
Beer, Drunk, Cars, Haunted, Minigolf, Clubs
We started out at the drags in the Hutt Valley, this is where all the boy racers meet up on a Thursday night, not much happening there but we did see a couple of dudes chasing after a cop car one of the guys ended up kicking the cop car, I thought the police would hop out and lay down the law but they just drove off.
We headed into to town after that, hit a few clubs had some more drinks but it was pretty dead. We left town at about 3ish making our way home but ended up driving past the minigolf place so we hopped out of the car and played a little after hours putt putt, made a hole in one on the first hole and fell over a few times, great fun.
Time to head up to the old mental hospital, we spent about an hour searching the old abandoned buildings up there, freaking ourselves out. The sober driver stayed in the car and had a sleep, I probably wouldn't have gone in if I weren't drunk. The buildings had loads of old furniture and looked like lots of people had parties up there, it's a squatters paradise to.
I ended up getting dropped off at about 6am, so much for the quiet drink. Good night though fast cars, clubs, minigolf, haunted houses, loads of beer and a wicked hang over.
Seems like those racers followed me home, all I've been hearing tonight is burnouts and sirens.
Technorati Tags:
Beer, Drunk, Cars, Haunted, Minigolf, Clubs
2 Ağustos 2006 Çarşamba
Bumble Bee pics from the Transformer Movie
My hopes for the Transformers movie are very high, though I know virtually nothing about its production, There's a couple of good pics of Bumble Bee on a blog called Gahsoon, it aint what I remembered Bumble Bee to look like but it does look bad ass, the second pic of an annimatronic looking beast doesn't look that convincing to me I just hope they do it well. Click the picture for bigger view over at Gahsoon.
Technorati Tags:
Transformers, Movie, Behind, Scenes, Bumble, Bee
Technorati Tags:
Transformers, Movie, Behind, Scenes, Bumble, Bee
1 Ağustos 2006 Salı
Fight over a cheese burger
An inmate from Southern State Correctional Facility applied for a liquor license but was denied, I could imagine what that would be like, singles nights, happy hour, 1 cigarette for a handle 3 for a shot, bouncers with guns, last call before lock down, would be great.
These dudes will probably end up in jail at some point in time, this guy goes nuts over some one eating his cheese burger, then the dude who ate his burger gets all teary eyed over his ruined jersey, pack of wankers.
Fight over a Cheese Burger (Embed)
I don't usually post fight videos but the guys in this video are to lame not to share.
Technorati Tags:
Beer, Drunk, Prison, Bar, Cheese, Burger, Fight
These dudes will probably end up in jail at some point in time, this guy goes nuts over some one eating his cheese burger, then the dude who ate his burger gets all teary eyed over his ruined jersey, pack of wankers.
Fight over a Cheese Burger (Embed)
I don't usually post fight videos but the guys in this video are to lame not to share.
Technorati Tags:
Beer, Drunk, Prison, Bar, Cheese, Burger, Fight
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