31 Temmuz 2006 Pazartesi

Backwards Bush Counter for your site

Code at Backwards bush

I don't want to get to political but this Backwards Bush counter is cool, I'm pretty sure Clinton didn't have one of these. I can't believe there's over 900 days left before Bush is out. Hopefully the next Bird is a little better at laying eggs.

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28 Temmuz 2006 Cuma

Beer Tongs for a frosty brew

Went out last night, bought a doz and had to split that with my mate, so I only had six beers, rough stuff trying to get drunk off of that.

I would have greatly taken a warm beer but this guy doesn't like warm beer so he uses Beer Tongs (Embed)

I might try at some party, grad a beer, sit down and tape a beer to a hand. pert.

Well thats all time to figure out where I'm gonna drink tonight.

26 Temmuz 2006 Çarşamba

Jon Favrea talks Iron Man at Comicon (Video)

I used to love watching the Robocop movies, Robocop was as a character totally believable, that's why I like hearing Jon Favrea mentioning Robocops effects and how he doesn't want to rely to heavily on computer effects in Iron Man, I can see it now, man in metal suit being pulled around by wires, it could turn out awesome.
Jon Favreas panel discussion, Comicon (Embed)

There's also another video of a panel with Todd McFarlane (creator of the Spawn comics), it gets kind of heated with all sorts of Fan Boy ooos and aaas.
Todd McFarlane panel, Comicon (Embed)

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25 Temmuz 2006 Salı

Bob Sapp (The Beast) music video

Been a few days since my last post, been a little busy,Also waiting for my bandwidth to go back up. Had a good drink up on Saturday I think it was, couple doz some wine and some Jimies, got pissed as pulled over (I was a passenger) got let off, they mistook us for gang members, I feel all though after that.

Bob Sapps tough though but only if he gets ya in the first round or he gets all puffy wuffy. I wonder how many takes this Bob Sapp music video (Embed)

took, considering that he is very active in it.

Here's a video that shows the Russian way to open a bottle of beer (Embed)

He opens it with a rock, pretty cool but ever since I've learnt how to do this properly I can open a bottle of beer with pretty much any old thing that may be lying around.

To have a great party you need people who like to party, that's why I love this guys enthusiasm (Embed)

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20 Temmuz 2006 Perşembe

An elephant seal, marlin and a belly flopper walk into a bar...

I had an incident with a seal back in the day, I went to get a closer look at a baby seal and the mother chased m, scared the hell out of me. These stupid idiots are bothering an elephant seal (New window), dangerous game that, they can kill you by just rolling over.

The seal incident happened while I was out fishing, I love fishing especially on a sunny day with a beer in hand though I'm pretty sure that the coast line around New Zealand now has many liquor ban spots which sucks. I'd like to go deep sea fishing one day and catch me something like these Marlin fishermen (Embed)
Now this is just cool, I didn't think liquid nitrogen (New window) would do this when dumped into a pool, looks very cool. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some liquid nitrogen.

I haven't been to a pool in years, maybe because they're germy human filth filters, I can go to the beach for free and in winter it rains. But nothing beats seeing some fat dudes belly flopping (embed)

This doesn't look real, it looks like legos or something, the video shows a bunch of building being demolished (Embed)
at the same time.

Well that's it for now, please check out the forum, no activity there at the moment, I hope that changes.

Beer Soaked Forum

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19 Temmuz 2006 Çarşamba

Picture Post

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Want to add a Photo/Banner/logo to this page with a link to your site? Email it to me along with a link and description you want added with the image or you can use the forums to submit, use this thread.

Please make images no larger than 450px in width and please only submit your own photos/banners/logos. Photos should be of a beer, party, drunk nature. Banners/logos can be anything.

This is a free link to your site/blog, a reciprocal link is not necessary but is very appreciated.

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Blog post link love

Haven't been able to find anything that interests me lately so postings been a bit slow.
In the forum I've posted a thread called Blog post Link Love.

Here's what it's about:

"I will be creating a blog post that will contain only images and links it will be linked to under site navigation on Beer Soaked Clothing, it will be kept up to date when new request come along.

If you have a site that you want to be linked to in that blog post, post an image in this thread along with the link and any info you want to be added under your picture."

I will post that blog post after this post, So if you want a free link back to your site and have a good picture to show off, sign up and post them in the Blog post Link Love thread.

Beer Soaked Forum

Here's the link to that post: Picture Post

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18 Temmuz 2006 Salı

Beer Soaked Forum

I decided to make a forum, it was easy to set up so I thought why not, If it's used good shit, if not who cares. I've called it Beer Soaked Forum , you can find it under site navigation at the top of the left column.

Plug your site on it if you want and the signature settings are fairly wide open.

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17 Temmuz 2006 Pazartesi

Big trouble in little URLS

Got pissed as on Saturday night, started drinking at about 6pm, I can't really remmeber anything 7pm onwards. Not much time for blogging with the mega hangover I got from that night, so just a small post of a couple of things that helped me through my hangover.

This list of the top ten most unintentional company URLs cracked me up, how could people not check that kind of thing out.

Speaking of "Big Trouble In Little China" I was looking through recent photos on Vidilife when I happened upon this pic of the 3 bady gods atleast that's what I remember them to be. Seeing that pic gave me the erge to rent it, I haven't seen this film in years.
vidiLife.com provides  free video and photo hosting and sharing
Free Images

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13 Temmuz 2006 Perşembe

When used car salesmen go bad

Usually used car sales men act like your best friend but not this ad freaking insulting and funny too.
Insulting used car ad (Video)

Here's some news no Beer connaisseur would ever want happen to him, a man has been banned from every pub in Britain, he was banned for trying to get into a pub that he was kicked out of with a chainsaw. Drunk Leather Face would be cool.

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10 Temmuz 2006 Pazartesi

I like to be drunk and that fridge would help

Hehe... Drunk.

As seen on Break.com
Maybe they were having a go at polishing this off.

As seen on Break.com
I saw this pic awhile ago and wanted to post it and now I can thanks to that great site.

Why am I brown nosing they don't even know this blog exists.

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Exorcist chick scares another, this dudes big and manly

Bu özet kullanılabilir değil. Yayını görüntülemek için lütfen burayı tıklayın.

Exorcist chick scares another, this dudes big and manly

Bu özet kullanılabilir değil. Yayını görüntülemek için lütfen burayı tıklayın.

7 Temmuz 2006 Cuma

List of Video Sharing Sites with Embed codes

I use a lot of video codes from video sharing sites on this blog and I thought I should make a list of sites that have videos with embed options.
All these sites have the code placed under or around the video player, a few have some adult content but not many.

If you know of any more great Video Sharing Sites, please leave a comment with a link to the site.

List of Video Sharing Sites

Drop Shots
Firefox Flicks

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How to go clubbing on a budget of $100

I wrote about my most expensive night out clubbing awhile back. I'm getting ready to go out now and thought this would be a good time to break down how my clubbing budget is now $100, I think most of my readers are American so if you want to follow this take about %40 off the prices I quote.

Ok first thing I do before going to the clubs is check the house for any left over alcohol, looks like I have half a bottle of wine, 2 cans of beer and a little bit of jimmies left in a hip flask. That's a good start it should last me for the trip to the super market.

Just got back from the super market and have in hand the best beer in the world, that which was on sale, $12 for a doz of Ranfurly 440s that's a lot of beer should last me into town and some.

$88 left in my budget with a doz and a little wine left, I'm going to need $8 for the train in and home or I could catch the after hours bus home which means $9 in travel money. I drink my beers traveling into town and in town until I reach the liquor ban areas, that's when I stash my left over beers in a very special place, the traffic island which has nice big bushes on it, I'll go back here a couple times through the night to stock my pockets up, this is my most important step because without the stash your alcohol intake will be very low.

Got to be careful not to be seen by the cops drinking in the liquor ban area or they'll make me pour my precious beer into the gutter.

I usually visit about 5-6 clubs in a night so I got to choose which clubs to spend my cash in, it'll cost me about $68 for 11 drinks in the clubs 9 beers and a couple tequila's which leaves me with $11 for a feed or a $2 love you long time. It's best to drink as much as you can from the stash before entering the clubs that way you'll already be drunk and most likely won't be worrying about another drink you'll be worrying about keeping it down.

that's how I go clubbing with a one hundred dollar budget. Gets you a good old drunk night out and people tend to buy you drinks when they see you haven't got a drink in front of you.

Time to head out, oh one more thing this budget doesn't take into account if one hooks up, so if you intend to hook up you'd better take an extra hundred.

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5 Temmuz 2006 Çarşamba

Kung Fu ku, Martial Arts clips

Ninjas are the coolest but Kung Fu is better, if you believe this you should check this movie on DVD "They Call Me Bruce" also known as a "A Fistful of Chopsticks" its old but funny as hell.

I got to white belt yellow tip in my Karate days, huge achievement took me a year, I never ended up like these dudes, I'm also glad I never did it along to crazy drum and base.
Taekwon-do drum and base fight.

Bruce Lee would kick Chuck Norris ass even though Super Man wears Chuck Norris's PJs, if you know what I mean.
Bruce Lee home video

Who needs Wire Fu when people can do it for real.
Cool Wushu video, sometimes it looks like they hang in mid air.

I don't think I've ever heard of KuTaeKa - Do before, the description says it has elements of Kung Fu, Taekwondo and Karate, it's a pretty cool looking style, even has some Drunken style thrown in.
KuTaeKa - Do, it's new to me.

Some Free running, not pulled off so smoothly.

This one made laugh a little, some dudes playing ninja in back yard

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4 Temmuz 2006 Salı

I still don't get Myspace (Video)

Haven't been able to post for a few days, haven't been able to do much really. I went out Friday night and had a good drink, drunk a lot but more on that later, I thought Saturday would be a good day to recover and write a couple of posts. My brother and his girl and bubs decided to come over which is cool coz I like hanging with them but they stayed 3 days so I couldn't really getting any bloggin going on and now my connections running like crap.
Well Saturday was supposed to be my recovery day, I had a mega hang over but it was worth it because Friday was cool, I lost track of what I had drunk way before I even saw a Bar, I was shocked that I got into any bars.

Speaking of myspace, this video cleared a few things up for me but I still don't get myspace.
Myspace by The Fresh (Video)

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