21 Nisan 2006 Cuma

Screwed up photos from 2hot2handle

Some screwed up images I took T 2hot2handle, some interesting effects in these, or I could be a total crappy photo taker. I think the first image is the most interesting, kind of like a chariot or something.

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Car shows babes and beers for all

Some car show videos to enjoy while sipping on your favorite beer.

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And some car show pics beer bong by.

Full credit to all, give em some love.

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20 Nisan 2006 Perşembe

Drunkin fun

Image hosted by Webshots.com Image hosted by Webshots.com Image hosted by Webshots.com Image hosted by Webshots.com

A few pics from webshots, drunkin fun is always good.

Something I've always wanted to be able to do

Opening a beer bottle with a lighter, I've never gotten the nack for it, I always get my chick mates to do it for me. The one that gets me though is when these same chicks use their teeth LOL.

kholera.com has a nice little guide on how to open a beer with a lighter, very cool some other ideas also in the comments.

11 Nisan 2006 Salı

Beer Pong

What the hell is Beer Pong, is it a drinking game. I seem to be coming across beer pong a lot lately


9 Nisan 2006 Pazar

Speed illustration Friday

Learning some photoshop, havin some fun, hmm looks like a banner, I should make a banner for the blog.
Bullety speed.
I coulda made the bullet better.

6 Nisan 2006 Perşembe

Drinking games, know any

There are 2 drinking games I play a lot "red or black" and "21" I know a few more but these are easy to play.

Red or Black, you play with a deck of cards, one person is the dealer and all you do is guess red or black, if you get it wrong you scull and go again until you get it right, then it goes along to the next person.

21, Take turns counting, you can 1 or 2 or 3, you can count 3 times max and then it passes to next player who counts 4 or 5 or 6 they can count 4 to 5 and pass to next person or even just 4 and so on until someone reaches 21, who ever lands on 21 has to scull. The person who landed on 21 then makes up a rule for a number, for example: instead of saying 9 you have to bark like a dog, and then the game starts over with the new rule in place, each time a person hits 21 they scull and make up a new rule.
The game could end up being something like this:

1 2 birdie , jump 5, do a hand stand, 7 8 bark like a dog, 10 11 , 12, 13 14 15, 16, meow, 18 19 20, 21: scull and make up a new rule for a number not used.

Dang 21 is actually pretty complicated.

These 2 are my favorite drinking games, I know a few others but not many.

Any one know of any other drinking games? Go on share it.

Burnouts and a drunken comment, dont drink and drive that's for sure

Hehe going hard burnout styles, broad daylight is gutsy.
I'm a bit drunk right now, LOL what would you expect from the runner of a blog called Beer Soaked Clothing ese whomp whomp maengre.

Check out the user from vsocial, I'm sure he got more.

5 Nisan 2006 Çarşamba

Arnold Schwarzenegger and japan, SNL Chris Farley and Adam Sandler

Chris Farley and Adam Sandler SNL skit.

Dang this is freaky, Arnold Schwarzenegger in a japanese ad, starts out innocent enough then goes all kinds of wacky, ends with ole Arny laughing maniacally.

Posted by dudes at Vsocial , look their handles are in the video players.

4 Nisan 2006 Salı

More car babes, Need For Beer

Man i need a better camera or i need to get better with my camera or was i drunk i can't remember, Car babes are the bestus.

And heres a video.